

The Essential Cape

Is it Autumn, is it Winter? Hard to tell in this climate. I attended a dinner party this week, each person I spoke to greeted me with these exact words – “Wow how cold it is tonight” accompanied by a raised intonation of surprise towards the end of the sentence. As though it isn’t December […]

Maybe just maybe

Have you ever wondered how you got here? All those roads travelled and decisions made, some great some not so great – what was that one decision that might have changed it all? I’ve always equated feelings about age to a perception about life in general. One wouldn’t mind ageing if one felt satisfied is […]

Summer Daze

Mid-August and the intense heat both exhausts and intensifies us, there’s something about the long, warm summer days, the smell of the sea and the feeling of running barefoot on the sand. I’m a summer gal, always have been, the highlight of my week is a trip to the beach, a day out in the […]