

Anklets at I am Accessories

I’m not much of a chucker, much more of a hoarder but even I have to part with things occasionally otherwise, the hubby would complain even more that he has nowhere to live amongst ‘my stuff’. It always feels as though I shouldn’t have some time soon after though. This season, my 90s childhood continues […]

Events : ECCO Soft7

Last week I was invited to the launch of the ECCO SOFT 7 shoes – these super, soft leather sneakers shown in the pics above and below. ECCO is an internationally renowned shoe brand that has always had an excellent reputation for comfort and high-quality leather.  Not much has changed in that respect, the brand […]

Outfit Post : Roaming Around Rome

You might remember around a month ago I went to Rome and ALTARoma..I posted photos of what I wore to the events but I took my time with the general roaming around Rome daily outfits ..sorry..I’ve been trying to work a little less in August as I was feeling a little burnt out and needed some general rest. But here’s a 2-in-1 special :D. When on holiday my main […]

Shopping Post : Ecco at King Shoe Shop

This week’s instalment of Caroline visits a shop and shows you what’s in stock is King Shoe Shop in San Gwann, which some people refer to as Ecco. Ecco as a brand has always been synonymous with comfort and quality, few people have worn their shoes without exclaiming over the extreme comfort, even after extended periods […]

Shopping Post : My Shoe Picks at the King

My relationship with shoes is a weird one – like every fashionista I love shoes, nice shoes that is, I love heels and have no problem spending a whole day walking around on 5 inch heels BUT I can’t stand shoes that are uncomfortable, that pinch, that cause blisters, that create pressure on my toes..and… a lot of shoes seem to do this […]