
new season

Shopping : I AM – Spring

The sun is shining, Easter’s done and dusted and the temperatures are starting to climb. Yep, the long-awaited Spring/Summer season is here and I for one am more than ready for it. It’s also that time of year when we stop thinking about coats, beanies and woolies and look towards lighter fabrics, softer hues and […]

Shopping Post : Coccinelle A/W 14

With the new season of Fashion soon upon us and the last of the summer sales closing off, it’s now time to start looking at the new collections hitting the shops and therefore time to restart my Shopping Post Series whereby once per  week Caroline hits a shop and shows you what is in stock. For the first edition of this season here’s Coccinelle – they’ve got really exciting colours and […]

Shopping & Trends Post : It’s a Blue New Season at Oasis

For 2014 I’ve decided to start a series of touring different stores, snapping photos and picking out rends across the collections, these will include both stores that are regular sponsors to this blog and those that aren’t but have noteworthy items in their collection. I’m going to try and make this posts at least a once weekly occasion 🙂 For the first post I’ve started with Oasis. I popped […]