

Shopping : What I Bought

After weeks of passing on shopping tips and sale finds, I think it’s only fair that you see some of what I bought for myself over the last month.  So, above, first item in the picture shows my very first oversized jacket from Promod – an outfit post to follow very, very soon. Right below, […]

Shopping : Down Coat & Jackets

It’s my birthday soon and the only good thing about a January birthday is that it’s sale time and you can justify sale shopping with birthday presents to yourself..you can also pass on higher priced “suggestions” to certain people and just say look it’s ‘half price’. One of the items currently topping my wishlist, is […]

Trends Post : Autumn Layers

Someone recently pointed out that it’s been a while since I’ve collaged a few outfits together and they’re right – no specific reason – just something I stopped doing.  I’ve been feeling more inclined lately and when ModCloth approached me and asked me to showcase their autumn layers I decided to hop back on the […]