

My Styling Work : Venere Goes Abseiling

A few months ago one of the editions of lifestyle and fashion, Maltese TV programme Venere featured my styling work.  I collaborated with local fashion designer Ritienne Zammit.  The photographer, Kurt Paris, decided he wanted to try something different….fashion whilst abseiling down from a cliff.  I decided to go with a ‘Tokyo Punk’ inspiration for the look of the girls, so […]

My Styling Work : Photoshoot with Ritienne Zammit

Although Malta Fashion Week tired me out, it also gave me a lot of energy and what better way to invest it than in more and more styling work – which means more and more photoshoots !! And to continue to support the efforts of Malta Fashion Week, it is only fitting that I collaborate with our brilliant local designers. Last Wednesday, I styled a shoot using Ritienne Zammit‘s designs (she is the Winner […]