

The Evasive Time

Have you ever stopped and thought about how much we talk about time? This generation is simply obsessed with time. It’s always about how much time we need, how long is something going to take, we’re running late and we have no time. If there had to be a statistic compiled on the sentences most frequently uttered […]

Shopping : Valentine’s Day Ideas

Valentine’s Day has different levels of importance for different people, some look forward to it all year, others think it is a commercial soulless feast. Whatever one may think of it, many gifts are exchanged but maybe there’s a bit more leaning towards the female half of the couple than the male half. For those […]

Outfit Post : Denim and Patterns for Spring

I must have written about 30 posts in 2012 exclaiming over my love for denim and how happy I am that it’ made this huge comeback etc etc. In 2013, it seems the high street has really picked up on the whole denim fever thing and the shops are packed with different denim options.  What I’m really enjoying is seeing patterned denim jeans, not […]