
o’hea opticians

Etnia Barcelona

One of the highlights of my trip to Barcelona was a tour of the flagship Etnia Barcelona Store and the chance to wear this creative and stunning shades around the city. I was first introduced to this brand by O’Hea Opticians in Malta, the brand has been recently introduced into their portfolio. What is super […]

Sunglasses at Malta Fashion Week

You may have seen me sporting some rather unique shades this Malta Fashion Week and that’s because I collaborated with my favourite shop – O’hea Opticians, I basically chose the most ‘different’-looking pairs. The interesting part is that I now need to choose a pair to keep and I have no idea how to decide […]

CELINE eyewear

Have you heard the exciting news? CELINE eyewear is finally being sold in Malta exclusively at O’hea Opticians. The brand is synonymous with clean, high impact fashion statements and continues to produce some beautiful designs. I picked my favourite pairs to take along on holiday to Amsterdam with me.

Trends: Sunglasses Drama Lookbook

I know it may seem hard to believe since I do post photos of myself but I actually don’t enjoy it all that much. However, whilst I don’t by any stretch of imagination consider myself a model – I have been enjoying my sunglasses lookbooks collaboration posts with O’hea Opticians.  My original intention was for […]

Trends : Back in the EYE Game

I’ve always loved sunglasses – I mean, the amount of different pairs I own is a testament to that fact -it’s not like I break them or there’s a specific reason for such an amount….This summer, though, I think I might be umm bordering on obsessing. The increased interest started slowly – when I first […]