
o’hea opticians

In Spring We Wear SUNGLASSES

I recently went over to O’hea Opticians in Gzira to play around with a few different styles of sunglasses and get a feel for what looks best sitting on my face. . For many people, buying a new pair of sunglasses at Spring is almost a ritual of sorts, a kind of herald to the long-awaited […]

Shopping Post : Specs for Xmas?

About a month ago I introduced O’hea Opticians as a collaborative sponsor of Caroline’s Fashion Styling and I wrote about their Silhouette range. As exciting and innovative as the Silhouette range is, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea so it is worth keeping in mind that they do have lots of other exciting brands of both […]

Shopping Post : Silhouette by O’hea Opticians – Feedback from the Ambassadors

A few weeks ago Iintroduced Silhouette by O’hea Opticians and wrote about the launch party, a reception at Palazzo De Piro in Mdina. If you recall, I also mentioned that three people from different walks of life to be their ambassadors, to endorse and represent Silhouette Malta. These are Artist Liliana Fleri Soler, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist Dr Isabelle Saliba and Footballer Carmel Busuttil.  Now the main […]

Events Post : O’hea Opticians – Silhouette EyeWear

I still remember my first pair of eye glasses, the lenses were made of glass which means it was extremely heavy and gave me migraines – it took me about two years to figure this out, go figure. This was about 12 years ago, around 2000, and that’s when I had started doing some research and I had discovered Silhouette, that year Silhouette  was even selected as the glasses for astronauts of NASA.  I […]