
diamonds international

Valentine’s Diamond Fever

Valentine’s Day gets a bad rep – it’s considered to be you know the epitome of consumerism but yet probably one of the occasions that sells the most chocolate and roses because the truth is that whatever you think of Valentine’s when it all boils down to the actual day, if you’re happy and lovey, […]

Touches of Gold & Diamonds

I am pretty sure that throughout my lifetime I have bought myself something from each fashion category. When I say bought myself, I mean ‘walked into the store and parted with my hard earned cash’ not received as a gift. What I haven’t ever bought myself is jewellery. I don’t mean costume jewellery, there’s plenty […]

The Evasive Time

Have you ever stopped and thought about how much we talk about time? This generation is simply obsessed with time. It’s always about how much time we need, how long is something going to take, we’re running late and we have no time. If there had to be a statistic compiled on the sentences most frequently uttered […]

Shopping : Mother’s Day Jewels

It’s Mother’s day on Sunday – did you know that not all countries celebrate Mother’s Day on the same day ? Spain celebrated yesterday and Italy a while ago and there are many more variations. Anyway, I really believe that our mummies should be made to feel extremely special every day not just on this […]