A Visit to Birgu Blue

Have you visited Birgu Blue?

No ? Well then take a trip to Birgu and discover what this small but packed to the brim boutique has to offer.

Artisan and unique products have always been my cup of tea. I love discovering new little boutiques and seeing the selection of products they’ve chosen to carry, there’s always a reason and even better is when such shops also have a selection of handcrafted products. Whilst I do often succumb to the lure of fast fashion, I’m always a lot happier with artisan high quality products that have a high attention to detail.

Birgu Blue only carries products that are connected or hail from islands around the world – so we are talking about Taiwan / Sri Lanka / Minorca / Uk and of course Malta. There’s a host of designers from Malta including Stephanie Borg, some gorgeous food preserves, tea sets from Taiwan, the famous director’s chair, gourmet teas and the crowning jewel hand crafted to perfection leather pieces by the in-house leather specialist Ozzy. Ozzy is originally from but he perfected his leather craftsmanship techniques in Italy. When Claude the owner of Birgu Blue met Ozzy he was determined to bring him to Malta and start a unique concept built around these skills. Ozzy’s leather stitching is beautiful, neat and sturdy with great finishing. He can make anything for you – a handbag, a bow tie, a mug holder and he will walk you through the design possibilities.

If you want you can even ask for a personal workshop in store and work on the piece yourself with him as a guide!

All photos by Kurt Paris

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