

Events Post : Luke Azzopardi PIERCED

Yesterday, I felt very privileged to work within the Maltese fashion industry, to be contributing in some way to its current upward growth. Yesterday, Luke Azzopardi, (who I interviewed last week) presented his new Autumn/Winter 2013/204 collection, PIERCED and made us all very proud. He defied my already very high expectations and showed us how a […]

Brand Spotlight : Perfetta D’empaire

Today I have a new brand to feature, one that I am particularly excited about *drum roll*…I present  *drum roll* Perfetta D’empaire. A very exciting brand, featuring beautiful, original, striking, handmade earrings. It is run by the lovely ‘Perfetta’ and I have Facebook to thank for our meeting as here she found my page and got in touch, […]

My Styling Work : Miss World Malta 2013

As do most countries round the world, Malta participates yearly in the Miss World Competition. To choose Miss World Malta a local competition is conducted and there is a TV show (Miss World Malta Contestants TV Program) that goes hand in hand with this competition. Some few months ago I worked on a photoshoot for this television show, together […]