Brand Spotlight : Perfetta D’empaire

Today I have a new brand to feature, one that I am particularly excited about *drum roll*…I present  *drum roll* Perfetta D’empaire.
A very exciting brand, featuring beautiful, original, striking, handmade earrings. It is run by the lovely ‘Perfetta’ and I have Facebook to thank for our meeting as here she found my page and got in touch, and it’s very big thank you indeed. She is really immensely talented and genuinely nice and I am very excited to be collaborating with her on some new exciting projects.
So Perfetta D’empaire ..what does the name mean to you ?
The name reminds me of something “royal”. I’m in love with words and harmonies that evoke feelings and sentiments. Perfetta D’Empaire indicates something or someone perfect that comes from a empire.
Tell us something about the person behind Perfetta D’empaire and the philosophy fo the brand?
Perfetta D ‘Empaire is the brand but of course it’s mostly me behind it. Many people started to call me “Perfetta” and I like it, especially since in actual fact, especially in my work I always try to push to perfection.
The philosophy of Perfetta D’Empaire feeds on the overwhelming moist heat of Sicily, where the brand was born, on the old fashioned and incomparable smell of an island that seems to sink. Perfetta D’Empaire is made in Sicily – made in Sicily which may, in actual fact, be actually made in other places, but the end product is always handmade and made with thoughts, skills and ideas that have been feeding off colours and flavours from that magical place.

When did you first start making jewellery?
I started last year in Madrid, where I lived until March.
Your designs are very original..where do you draw on for inspiration ?
Thanks. I think that creativity finds inspiration from anything … the road, a magazine, the imagination or a dish well stuffed. I always try to look at trends but not too much. I think that accessories are a bit more independent from fashion trends than shoes and clothes . By far the thing that inspires me most is to walk into a haberdashery, touch fabrics, stones, buttons and imagine what I will do with them.
Do you have different collections?
Yes, I have four of them. The first earring collection that I ever made was made from tulle and silk. Then there was a brief period throughout which I started making sweatshirts and limited clothes that I sold in Madrid, but then I decided to dedicate myself only to accessories. The second collection was Baroque, a tribute to Sicily and its essence, which is always the basis of my work; I used lace and “jewel buttons” which came all the way from Italy. 
This spring the Tropical collection” was launched, in which I used vintage silk bought in London. 
Finally, the collection for this summer ‘is Antropofagia collection, which uses different types of materials – raffia, swarovski crystals and stones.
Where can people contact you should they wish to buy your designs? Can they have anything custom made?
At present they can contact me by phone (0035679295915) or by email My web page is still under construction but you can also  follow me on facebook . Customers can order a pair of earrings according to their taste, they can have them customized and choose patterns and colours.
Do you have any new designs on the way for 2013 ?
Yes of course, I’m always thinking about what to do next. You will see soon.
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