
personal stylist

Brand Spotlight : Model Matthew Muscat

Today we shine the spotlight on Maltese male model Matthew Muscat. Matthew has had quite a meteoric rise within the Maltese fashion industry; even though he only started modelling a couple of years ago, the industry noticed and appreciated his dedication and this year he was one of the nominees for Best Male Model in the Malta Fashion […]


Lately, it seems as though punk fashion is everywhere..It started with the theme for this year’s Met Ball being punk and baroque and Sarah Jessica Praker wearing that Philip Treacy mohawk hat. Then at Malta Fashion Week I spotted Ritenne’s amazing punk and baroque design fusion, after which I worked on a fashion editorial with […]

My Styling Work : Photoshoot with Ritienne Zammit

Although Malta Fashion Week tired me out, it also gave me a lot of energy and what better way to invest it than in more and more styling work – which means more and more photoshoots !! And to continue to support the efforts of Malta Fashion Week, it is only fitting that I collaborate with our brilliant local designers. Last Wednesday, I styled a shoot using Ritienne Zammit‘s designs (she is the Winner […]