SALES – How to Shop – DOs and DONT’S

It’s that time of year again, when large numbers accompanied by percentage signs start appearing on every shop window, when long queues start forming outside shops, there’s the possibility of ending up getting elbowed or fisted inside a shop and when a lot of us end up accumulating a lot of stuff we don’t need and might actually never use simply because it is ‘cheap’.

How do we avoid avoid falling into the trap of buying a load of crap ? 
Do Know the Current Season – some shops have a very bad habit of bringing out seriously old stock during sale time, so it is important to know current fashion. Although I am a firm believer of the if something suits you and you like it, there’s no need for it to be ‘latest season’ philosophy, you don’t want to end up spending good money on something that’s actually three years old and worth much less. So do be aware of what is current and what isn’t and use common sense, you were around three years ago, if something seems really similar to something you wore back then, then it might just be that old.
Do Make sure it FITS Right – during sale time, sizes are generally somewhat limited, this means that there might be this unbelievably gorgeous dress at half price, only available in a size smaller than your normal size. DON’T buy it anyway thinking ‘I will lose weight’, chances are you won’t and that dress will remain hanging in your wardrobe for yonks until you throw it out.
Don’t spend a lot on Fads – sale time hits midway through a season, this means you’ve already lost half the opportunity of wearing this item for that season. Don’t spend good money on a fad that won’t be around next year.
Do hit the shops early – the best things will get snapped up during the first two days of sale time. Larger stores might carry surplus stock and bring more out on subsequent days; but the majority put all stock out on day one. 
Don’t get put off – yes the shops are crowded and yes clothes are all sometimes piled on top of each other in one messy pile. At first glance everything does appear to be one big load of rubbish but you need to hunt through the messy piles to find the best bargains. Clothes are rarely neatly laid out during sales so one glance will tell you absolutely nothing.

Above all have fun, shopping is meant to be FUN, try not to stress and hassle, it’s not a chore or a must-do, wait till the mood is right….but of course not till the sales are over

I’ve also scoured the online world for some picks of the sales right here

  • Comments

  • avatar

    I love shopping the sales and feeling like I've got a bargain. Great tips here! I always pick up the wrong size just to get out the shop when it is busy then never end up wearing the items.
    GIG LOVE | The Life of Leeshastarr

    • avatar
      Caroline Paris

      glad you found it useful, thanks or stopping by xxx

  • avatar
    Siew Hui

    Love shopping! The sales always gets me excited! 😀 Great pointers. 🙂

    Gig Love,
    Siew Hui

    • avatar
      Caroline Paris

      yea sale time is the best 🙂

  • avatar
    Arian Yupangco

    I have a bad habit of splurging and then regretting some of my purchases after – especially when it comes to shoes! They seem to be so comfortable and fit nicely even if I walk around for a few minutes when trying them out, but then after a while of properly wearing them when bought, they end up hurting either by pinching my feet or giving me blisters/small wounds.

  • avatar

    "Do make sure it fits right" and "Don't be put off" really resonates very well with me. i get put off by crowds and messiness hence i always avoid shopping in stores, much less to say during sales. and so i always shop online, and end up with pieces that doesnt fit well. 🙁

  • avatar
    Lorna mai ltd

    Great tips. I have to be honest though I tend to shop more on-line as I struggle with the crowds during the sales. If I did go shopping in the sales I find Monday morning a good time as there always tends to be less people around.

  • avatar
    Caity @ Moi Contre La Vie

    Great tips & suggestions!! You definitely need to have a plan of action! <3 GIGLove

  • avatar
    Marxie ♔

    Awesome tips! It's hard to not spend a lot during sales. Sometimes I even buy things I don't really need just because it's on sale. lol

  • avatar
    Sana Sadiq

    These are some real helpful tips for a massive and most of all impulsive shoppers like me.. Thank you for sharing xxx

  • avatar
    Khushboo Motihar

    I am one of those people who regrets most of her sale shopping because I tend to pick everything on a discount! I am definitely going to keep these tips in mind GIG love 🙂

  • avatar
    Cynthia Loh

    Love this tips!! But somehow the shopaholic me still couldn't control.

  • avatar
    Yuh Jiun

    Hahaha that's so true! Thanks for the tips and I always buy clothes even it doesn't fit me well ><

  • avatar
    Patricia Evangeline

    I don't really like to shop when sale actually because it would be too crowded.i prefer shopping online it saves my time and it's cheaper than the counter price

  • avatar
    Cindy Tong

    great tips..but another tips is think twice before paying consider if you really need the item and whether you already have similar item at home..

  • avatar
    Agata Pokutycka

    Someone once said… the bargain is only a bargain if you really need it!

  • avatar
    Smallnhot Sarah

    Great tips ! I always hv the tendency of buying clothes without thinking.. hahaa

  • avatar
    Smallnhot Sarah

    Great tips ! I always hv the tendency of buying clothes without thinking.. hahaa

  • avatar

    i am guilty of just purchasing it thinking it'll fit haha great tips my dear 🙂

  • avatar
    Tasha F

    I love shopping for sales!! I have a bad habit of buying things that don't fit, just because it's too good of a deal to pass up. LOL

  • avatar
    Maria Clara Novita Kusumahati

    this is very good review for women all over the world..
    ahha which cant stop buying while see something 50% OFF.
    thank you for the tips 🙂

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