Beauty Post: My Favourite Foundation

Although not sold in little tiny Malta, I am a huge fan of MAC cosmetics and always stock up when I travel to countries that host MAC shops. Infact my fave foundation is the MAC face and body. 
It provides a lovely sheer to little coverage which feels almost translucent and does not at all emit that ‘sticky – I have something on my face feeling’. Since the coverage is so light, I would not recommend it for those with problem skin which needs more coverage but if all you want is to even out your skin tone, hide some little blemishes and just generally give your skin a flawless appearance than this is absolutely perfect. 
It’s natural finish is dewy, which in laymen words does mean slightly shiny, if this annoys you, a helping of translucent powder over the foundation should do the trick. 
Sadly although very long lasting, it is not wipe resistant and it ain’t the first time my iphone has had foundation smudges left on it after a long phone call. 
No SPF which means wear a moisturiser with SPF or wear sunblock underneath 
Affordable £26.50 (33 euros) for a 120 ml bottle that last for ages. 
Beautiful sheer invisible finish 
It is water based which means it is less likely to clog pores or irritate sensitive skin. 
You can buy online at or but sadly no shipping to Malta, but since there are many Maltesers living in the UK you can probably ask someone to bring it down for you 😀
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