Trends Post : Silver Bracelets

When I was a child and young teen, sterling silver bracelets were very popular and were also something family and friends gave you at birthdays and other events.
At thirteen I used to love switching through my collection and picking different ones to wear.
Over the last decade though, with the most striking designs in jewellery being constantly launched, the silver bracelet seemed to have lost its position in fashion. However, now, wearing lots of different bracelets is something that’s very popular and something everyone is doing.
So IMO why not do it with silver – silver bracelets come with charms, with chains, with lots of other ‘in’ elements and the more you pile the better it looks.

Check out my take on this style in the pic below:

The great thing about silver is that you can wet it ,meaning no need to remove them before a swim or shower – less hassle 😀
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