Catwalk Review: Modelle International Fashion Show Part 2

The Moda Malta Fashion Show by Modelle International took place last Saturday at Xara Lodge, you can find Part 1 of my Catwalk Review here. In this post I will be reviewing the other  exhibitors which were: 202 Jewellers, Le Ciel Boutique and La Mode.
Le Ciel Boutique (Naxxar) exhibited a range of different outfits ranging from very glitzy to smart casual. My fave was this blue sequinned dress below, definitely one designed to grab attention.

La Mode Malta (B’Kara) were another sponsor and exhibitor, they displayed some interesting evening dresses with my favourite being a red dress modelled by Valentina Rossi (pic below), love the silver detailing especially around the waist, gives so much definition to the waistline.

202 Jewellers had a very interesting jewellery catwalk, the models were dresses literally head-to-toe in black suits (pics below ) wearing only jewellery, all attention was on the jewellery…..honestly I think jewellery is still best displayed in a showcase, on a catwalk unless it is very chunky, a lot of detail is lost, especially in the case of earrings. I did however, fall hopelessly in love with the chunky necklace below – this is going on my Xmas wish list.


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