Events Post : Il-Klikka Season 2 Launch Party

I haven’t spoken about Il-Klikka that much on this blog…which is something I am about to  rectify. Il-Klikka is a Maltese TV Series set in Malta that follows the lives of 6 main female twenty something characters and their families and friends. The storyline is somewhat a cross between Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars; besides general life events there are some unsolved mysteries in the series. 

One of the things I like most about the storyline, is that it has a Maltese influence and it has stayed true to the general life experiences Maltese girls tend to typically experience.

So why should I be  talking about it more ? Because I’m the stylist for the TV show !!! 
This means I get to choose what these girls wear for each scene in each episode of the show !! It’s quite a lot of work as there is so much you have to think about – character development, what everyone else is wearing, the storyline …etc etc……
But I LOVE it, it’s a lot of fun working on the show – the girls themselves are great and they have their own style and opinions and each of them have different bodies so it’s always exciting to mesh everything together and come up with the outfits !!!
So, the series started last September and season 1 has actually come and gone and it was great – brilliant season finale 2, and now Season 2 has started last week; and it airs every Tuesday at 8:30 pm on ONE TV station. 
To celebrate the launch of Season 2, Vsquared, the company behind il-Klikka, celebrated by throwing a party at the new Accessorize Store in Paceville, Malta(the new collection is stunning, almost bought the whole store), which by the way is the largest Accessorize store in Malta and is to house the full beach collection.

The party was great fun and I enjoyed talking to all the members of the cast and crew whilst munching on canapés  sipping Kinnie Kiss, posing for photos and getting interviewed (arghhh !!).

Check out some photos of the event:

Four of the main female characters
The girls being interviewed

General Party Atmosphere at Accessorize


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