il-Klikka Spotlight : Interview with Ben Camille aka Thomas

In the wake of the end of season 2 of il-Klikka, (for which I am the stylist), I am continuing to conduct interviews with the actors and actresses (the main characters) of the Klikka series . 
Today we meet actor Ben Camille aka Thomas (as he is known on klikka) and in his own words, here is his interview: Photos by Kurt Paris.

ben camille klikka

So who is Ben Camille?
U la la! Not an easy one to answer & I’m sure you’ll get a different answer depending who you’re asking! 🙂 But since you’re asking me… here goes… when it comes to work, I’m very focused, hard working and always strive to deliver the best to my clients ( In Maltese ‘daqsxejn ta qansha’ !); when it comes to friends & fun; I am game for anything; wait that didn’t sound right.. what I meant is:

“I love my friends very very much & believe that finding a balance between work and play is one of the key ingredients to success… and staying sane!”

Then last but not least, when it comes to family and loved ones … how can I put this discretely, I guess I can’t .. I’m a total wimp and a real ‘fessud’ – (I tired very hard to find an English word for that, but nothing fit as right!?! Sorry!)

And who is Thomas?
Haha! Thomas is quite a nice guy, I think – he is very sweet, kind & an honest man. He’s also very loyal to his friends and very confused when it comes to his love life! Girls, girls, girls!!! 🙂

What do you think of Thomas’s love for Daniela? Is it true love or an obsession?
Good question.. I really don’t know & neither does Thomas I think! I believe Daniela broke Thomas’ heart and left quite a scar! When Thomas saw Daniela again, a healing wound was re-opened. This is never easy! When such strong & sudden emotions are evoked it makes it very hard for one to really distinguish between the ‘real/meaningful’ feelings and the ‘temporary’ feelings brought about due to the unexpected scenario and shock. Is Thomas really in love with Daniela or is he just overwhelmed by the fact that she’s back? Does she really love him or have too many things changed!?! 

“Thomas is going on a road trip now… might he meet some wonder women there who will make all his troubles go away?” 

 Who knows… This is why we are all looking forward to Season 3 🙂

ben camille klikka

And what about poor Veronica?
What about her!?! Just kidding! I like Veronica, well actually that might just be Ben talking now and not Thomas because Laura (who plays Veronica) & I have become such good friends.. anyway….. 

“Veronica is quite a tough, opinionated young lady who did not leave many things to chance”.

She wanted to get married asap to Thomas while Thomas wanted to try living together first and then consider marriage… a very realistic choice modern couples face today. Which is right? I believe each to their own.. there’s no right or wrong here!

Is this your first part in a local television series? When did you first get into acting?
When Martina and Rachel from V Squared called me! 🙂
I was never into acting, nor into watching local TV to be quite frank. However, (and gladly so) Martina & Rachel were quite persistent on having me on board with Il Klikka, they promised me that they were aiming to do something different, something that will break the traditional barriers of local TV and set new standards.. A few meetings and telephone calls later; I gladly accepted… and in my humble opinion, V Squared’s mission… accomplished… and this is now when I should take the time to thank all the super dedicated and talented team at V Squared.

Which was your favourite scene from these two seasons of il-Klikka?
Not an easy one again! 

 “All scenes are fun… and demanding in their own right!”

One scene that does come to mind though is the scene when Veronica had to slap Thomas … We had to take that shout over and over again because Laura and I could not stop laughing every time we came to do it … finally, after take one hundred, we both managed to keep a straight face and BOOM .. proper BOOM! Laura forgot she was acting for a second, I think and slapped me hard.. really hard.. no joke! 🙂

Plans For 2013?
Secret! 🙂
… but please do keep up to date on my fb page here;
Thank you & lots of love,

ben camille klikka

Hope you enjoyed that 🙂


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