I recently got to know about a rather exciting event to be held on the 27th and 28th of July ! A Clothes Swap !
This clothes swap is going to be held on Saturday 27th July 4-7pm and on Sunday 28th July 9am – 12pm at the St. James Cavalier in Valletta. They’re charging a small entrance fee (€5) which is actually a donation and will go towards helping Opening Doors (a theatre group that caters for young adults with learning disabilities).
Basically the event will work in the following way – turn up with a bag of your unwanted clothes and accessories and you will be assigned tokens according to the below rules.Tokens are then used to purchase other items that you desire.
They are accepting all clothes, shoes as well as accessories and people are allowed to buy extra tokens if they wish.
For more info check out the Clothes Swap event facebook page.