il-Klikka Spotlight : Interview with Jessica Muscat aka Audrey

In the wake of the end of season 2 of il-Klikka, (for which I am the stylist),
I am continuing to conduct interviews with the actors and actresses (the
main characters
) of the Klikka series . 

Today we meet
actor Jessica Muscat aka Audrey (as she is known on klikka)
 and in his own words, here
is his interview: Photo by Kurt Paris.

So, who is Jessica
A busy hyperactive bee!! From
a spanish secondary school teacher, to a singer (also entertaining in hotels
and pubs
), lyricist, composer and now an actress too. I’m a very cheerful
person, always laughing and looking at the bright side of life. I also love to
spend time with my loved ones especially my family, as they know me and
appreciate me just as I am.
And… Who is
Audrey is an upcoming artist
but very shy and naïve and this can be a drawback for her career as she lets
other people decide things for her. Maybe through some life experiences she
will start to understand that the music industry is a tough business and that
she cannot be naïve and shy anymore – 

she must stick up for her rights and
start doing what she really wants.

Do you think
Audrey has made the right decision in joining the band?
I don’t think so!!! Have you
seen Darren hihhhhi I wouldn’t sign a contract with that kind of man 🙁
When did your
interest in acting first begin? And we know you can sing too…which do you
I actually always loved the
performing arts and my parents saw that and took me for auditions for several
pantomimes and that’s where my acting started, with Joe Quattromani and Pawlu
Testa and then continued with my secondary school drama teacher Frank Tanti. I
also took a course with Patrick Vella. 
On the other hand, I started singing
from the tiny age of 6 and still consider it to be one of my greatest passions
and something I cannot live without. 

In KLIKKA I am very lucky to have been
given the role of a singer so I’m doing both things I love – acting and

If I really had to choose I will always choose singing as I like having
contact with the audience there and then.

What inspires you?
Is there anyone or anything that you feel has influenced your acting style?
The answer to that has to be everything
and anything inspires me, I’m an observer and people sometimes think
I’m shy, however that’s me enjoying and observing other people and nature. 

acting style I would say is influenced by Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock and
Reese Witherspoon as those are some of my favourite actresses.

What has been your
proudest career moment?
It has to be my students’
marks as it shows 

hard work pays off in the end.

Describe the scene
you hated most from these two seasons of il-Klikka?
It was more of a physical
condition that made me hate this particular scene. It was being filmed on a
public holiday and I had to sit on a chair from morning till late afternoon. I
had one of the worst backaches ever, the scene was when Michelle told us she is

Plans for 2013?
To continue with acting in
Klikka, pursue my singing career and write many good songs, prepare and teach
my students in an enjoyable manner so that they can learn faster and
effectively and last but not least enjoy life to the most as we
only have one to live!!!

caroline paris

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