Shopping Post : An Inside Look at Oasis

When I was a teenager and Oasis opened it’s doors in Malta, I have to be honest, I wasn’t all that interested…the clothes didn’t look fun enough to me..which makes sense because Oasis carries a more sophisticated look, not something I was really into as a teen. Nowadays, I regularly visit the store and there are lots of things I genuinely like, this year they are also one of the sponsors of the Maltese TV series il-Klikka and since I am the stylist, it means I get to visit the store really often…the problem with my job is that I tend to spend the money i am earning before I even earn it.
Soooo without further ado…I am overly excited to announce that Oasis have come on board as a sponsor of this blog and I will be blogging all about them – putting outfits together with their stock, keeping you updated on what’s happening and any promotions they might have and lots of other things.
To kick this off ,I have put together this fabulous outfit from their new stock that recently arrived …this dress actually has two collars, and they’re so different from each other, it looks like a totally different dress when worn with a different collar – so well you have two dresses but you’ve paid for one. The leather jacket is made of really soft, supple leather..lovely finishing on it..and ankle boots are definitely this season’s footwear of choice.
And here are some photos of what caught my eye in store
This coat is very stylish and cosy at the same time, it’s hard to combine elegance and comfort sometimes but I love this piece.
Lovely bags
Gorgeous clutch bag ! 
It’s finally scarf and beanie weather !!
Oasis Stores can be found at Tower Road Sliema & Zachary Street Valletta and you can follow them on Facebook 
caroline paris
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