Il-Klikka : My Styling Work : Season 3 Episode 11 – The Girls’ Wardrobe

What did the Klikka girls wear in episode 11? Read on to find out and catch some behind-the-scenes photos!

For Season 3 of Il-Klikka (Maltese local television series), I am styling Julia played by Tezara Eve Camilleri, Pippa played by Valentina Rossi, Audrey played by Jessica Muscat, Daniela played by Tiziana Tedesco Triccas, Monique played by Lisa Young. 
Audrey continues to wear make bold, trendy fashion choices – MONSOON and ACCESSORIZE
Julia got all dressed up to meet her ‘enemy’ – she looks super elegant in her coat and shawl – OASIS

Daniela wears a lovely blue coat that looks very smart and elegant but at the same time has an exposed zip that makes it look very moern – OASIS
These days Julia looks smart even when lounging aound at home – would love to own her wardrobe – OASIS
Monique is getting braver, scarier and more determined, in this episode she significantly stepped away from all black and wore dark red – PROMOD
Pippa looks lovely when she’s happy and wearing bright, fun cltohes -JANE NORMAN

caroline paris

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