Interview Spotlight : Singer Maxine Pace

Today I shine the spotlight on my youngest interviewee ever – local Maltese singer Maxine Pace. I first met Maxine last September when I was brought on board by Adrian Mizzi to style her first shoot that would be used to promote her single “Fed Up”. The recently launched single had enjoyed a leap of success on local radios earning her a reputation as one of Malta’s hottest young talents. 
I was impressed at what a sweet, well grounded, well adjusted girl she was and still is. Earning such a degree of fame and success at such a young age could have easily affected her character in a negative way but she has taken it all in her stride and even got nominated for this years MMAs.

Meet Maxine …in her own words..

Photo by Kurt Paris, Directed by Adrian Mizzi, Make up by Elaine Galea, Styling by Caroline Paris

So, who is Maxine Pace?
Maxine is a 14 year old Maltese singer who is currently in the process of building her career.
I am obviously still a student and I’m planning on becoming a lawyer. I also receive vocal lessons at La Voix Academy with Gillian Attard and Joshua Alamu. I’m currently studying for the Grade 7 Rockschool Vocal Exam. Last summer I launched my first single called ”Fed Up” which I wrote myself with the help of the English producer Ramzi at RDS Studios. A few months ago I was nominated for an MMA and in a few weeks time I’ll be launching my second song 🙂

When did your interest in singing first begin? Were you ’discovered’ or did something specific happen?
I’ve always loved singing and at the age of 3 I started singing lessons. When I turned 6 I took part in this summer course called “Starter Pack” and from then on I started writing a couple of songs and building up my confidence on stage and in front of people. After that I continued taking singing lessons and my career has been building slowly slowly.
There’s been a lot of buzz and interest in you over the last year and your career really took off, do you feel this had changed you in any way?
Yes, since launching ”Fed Up” I’ve been quite busy with stuff, interviews, shows and so it’s been a very busy year but it didn’t really change me.. as in, I’m still finding time for everything – singing, studying, family, friends and even some quality time for myself 🙂
Has your success affected any of your relationships with friends and family?
It didn’t really affect any of my relationships with my family cause I always left time for family and actually I’m spending more time with my parents and sister as they’re always there to support me, everywhere I go and whatever I do. There were a few friends that didn’t support me but the majority really did show me support and were there to watch me in shows and stuff.
What inspires you? Is there anyone or anything that you feel has influenced your style?
Well, I have a lot of inspirations, like Jessie J, Beyonce and Christina Aguilera.. mostly their style of music and in my opinion their voice is just.. wow. But I try to keep my own style and I wouldn’t like to copy anyone else.
What would you say has been your proudest career moment?
I think my proudest career moment was when I went to London to write and produce and record my own original song and also when the fact that it was successful on local radios.
Would you call yourself a fashionable girl in real life? How would you describe your style? You’re still very young, do you feel as though your style is still developing or have you found your ‘look’?
In real life, yes I’m quite fashionable.. I love shopping and I love clothes and bags .. I find shopping really relaxing. I think I’m still developing my style but usually I go for dresses or skater skirt styles and really girly stuff but I haven’t really found my look yet, it’s always changing
Plans for 2014?
The lyric video of my new song is soon ready and I’ll soon be launching it! Can’t wait! This year, in the coming weeks, I’ll also be taking part in a singing competition in Sicily. I’m also going to be working harder on my vocal technique and in summer I’ll be going to London for about a week for a singing workshop.

Photo by Kurt Paris, Directed by Adrian Mizzi, Make up by Elaine Galea, Styling by Caroline Paris
You can watch her single here:

  • Comments

  • avatar

    Wow nice interview! And I love her voice <3

  • avatar

    She's really pretty and I love her outfit in that second pic!

  • avatar
    Helma Muscat

    Lovely song and a very lovely young lady.Good luck wish you what your heart desires.

  • avatar

    She's pretty and her voice is amazing! Plus she is just 14?! OMG, there's a lot more to wait. 😀

  • avatar

    WOW, such a amazing voice and so young. I am very in awe of her maturity and talent. And her beauty too! I hope to see her achieve all her dreams!

  • avatar

    She looks sooo pretty! Loved the way she sounds <3
    You have a gorgeous blog with great content. I shall definitely come around more often
    ♥ Heart Bows & Makeup ♥

  • avatar
    Lorna Mai Ltd

    She's so stunning. Looks a lot older than 14! Its inspirational that a teenager has achieved so much in such a short space of time. Beautiful.

  • avatar
    Aisha Kristine Chong

    She looks lovely and stunning indeed! <3 giglove

  • avatar
    ♛ Aby C.

    she is talented! i wish all the best for her career and life.. i remember jojo from her..

    – from gig

  • avatar

    she's so pretty, I love her eyes 🙂

    Love, Leonita

  • avatar

    She is so beautiful! And I really like her single 😀

    How awesome is that you could style her first shoot?!! 🙂


  • avatar

    pretty girl! Good Luck to her & fab job Caroline 🙂

  • avatar
    Caity @ Moi Contre La Vie

    What a fun interview – She sounds like a lovely girl, I'll definitely need to check her out! <3 GIGLove

  • avatar
    Donah @ SweetJellyBean

    Wow, I love the pictures and setting of this photo shoot and yes you did a fab job. What an amazingly beautiful person and very talented at that! x Donah giglove

  • avatar

    She's pretty and well grounded. Nice interview! I love the photos, too.

  • avatar
    Smallnhot Sarah

    Oh gosh, she is so young ! Great interview, love all the photos too… 🙂

  • avatar
    cindy tong (

    lovely picture and awesome interview session!!!

  • avatar

    She is only 14 but soo talented. And she's so pretty. Loved the interview. I hope her 2nd song becomes a hit too. Good luck to her! 🙂

  • avatar

    She is only 14 but soo talented. And she's so pretty. She has an incredible voice.. wow. Loove the song! Great
    interview. I hope her 2nd song becomes a hit too. Good luck to her! 🙂

  • avatar
    Agata Pokutycka

    What a beautiful girl!
    Great interview, very informative, thank you

  • avatar

    Loving the first picture <3 She's SO gorgeous and fab interview I must say xx

  • avatar
    Nicol Wong

    14?! wow talent! her eyes are so pretty too

  • avatar

    she has an amazing voice, and she is only 14! wow!! This girl has a bright career ahead of her =)

  • avatar
    Nella Beautifyiu

    Thank you for sharing about her. Such an inspiring story. Great post.

    GIG Love.

  • avatar

    omg she reminds me of jojo. she's so cute and love her voice !

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