It is now closing into the end of Week 6. My weight is now down to 51.3 my starting weight was 55.5/56  SO I REACHED MY GOAL WEIGHT. Since I don’t really want to lose any more weight, I have been allowing myself an odd piece of dark chocolate here and there, or a few almonds or strawberries after dinner. If you’re wondering what on earth I’m talking about…catch up here

However, the great thing is, that I’m really managing to refrain from eating junk and on the one day where I worked from 4 am till 9 straight and got super, super hungry, it was nuts and extra food I resorted to, not sweets. 

I started this whole thing out as an 8-week challenge, the idea was that I would stick to it and it only, for 8 whole weeks. I didn’t complete it, in the sense, for example, last week I went out to dinner and there were times I ate chocolate. However, I think the initial idea was too ambitious and also not really necessary. Plan H teaches you how to eat healthily, how to control your portion sizes, what kind of foods you should be eating but there’s a time and place for everything and on certain days, I think it’s ok to be naughty.
A lot of people have been asking me about portion sizes, it seems many are scared they’ll be left feeling hungry. I find them more than adequate, the male ones are larger of course. Here are a couple of photos that show the entire portion so you can judge for yourselves.

I realise that a lot of you have a lot of questions re Plan H, so next week I’m going to write a Q&A post, send me all your questions and I’ll answer them in next week’s post.

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