As I stood in Women’Secret contemplating what I had just picked out to shoot my top picks, it occurred to me what a contradictory person I am.
This week wasn’t an amazing week actually, I occasionally get moments during which I endure a sort of existential crisis and this week was one of them. A lot of it was probably related to being a bit tired and away from home and all that jazz but also, sometimes I do end up feeling a bit conflicted and as the hubby puts it ‘flitting around in space’. So I started thinking about all those things about me that simply don’t make sense and I created a list because we all love lists..
- Fashion and Tech – my two loves, my two careers – rarely seen together.
- Chick Flicks and Horror Movies – my two favourite movie genres.
- Chick Lit and Old Classics – my two favourite literature genres.
- Chocoholic who doesn’t really like sweets – I keep having to explain that I don’t have a sweet tooth but can go through a mountain of choc in one sitting.
- Adore pink – but it doesn’t really suit my skin tone
The list could continue but you get the gist. So basically, I stood in women’secret and realised my picks were as conflicted as me but I figured this post can be a bit of a showcase of a person truly capable of existing in different polar opposites of the brain at the same time.
In love with inspiring logos at the moment and those trousers are just perfect
My love for Star Wars is real..so so real.
Have you even seen a more beautiful playsuit ? Screw pink not suiting me I WANT it
All this beauties are available from Women’Secret at Bay Street and PAMA.