You know how makeup artists say they don’t wear makeup every day? Well, I’ll let you in on a secret, stylists also don’t get all dressed up every day. In fact, right about now, I am sitting down in a bar in Stockholm dressed in sweatpants and a turtleneck with my hair completely messed up.
And no it’s not because no one knows me here, it’s because I felt like – so whilst I post photos of my finest moments here, do keep in mind I don’t look like this every day and I believe it’s ok not to. Just, you know, pick your moments.
I will go on to kind of contradict myself though, yes I get those ‘slob’ days, I really do. I have to admit one thing, however, the vain part of me is less happy that day, when I catch myself in the mirror, if I meet someone I know.. The truth is, I know it’s ok not to, but I do like to look good and I feel it gives me some degree of extra confidence to face whatever the day might throw at me.
So ..Solution?
Well, here I am showcasing two outfits, each from Cortefiel at Bay street and each incorporating the same blazer jacket. The first includes a dress and this FOR ME, is the ultimate easy, comfortable item, something I can just pull on without any fuss, something that fits even on those days following a too-large meal (it flares out at the hips which as we all know is my
weak area). Now note I said FOR ME, other people find jeans to be their easy outfit. I personally don’t, I worry about the state of my bum when wearing jeans.
The next outfit is a trousers and shirt combo – now, again, for me, this is not what I would call an ‘easy’ outfit. I found the choice of shoes to be more limited (flats would make my legs look too short), it makes me feel more conscious of my bum and legs and there were decisions to be made such as whether to tuck in the shirt or not.
I enjoyed wearing BOTH outfits. I wore the second on a day when I felt like getting dressed up though and the first on a day when I didn’t – do you get the difference? So my point is, wear sweatpants if you want to – hell wear a sack if it makes you happy but try and find that style which makes you feel good and is also easy and comfortable.