2017 was a strange year for me. I started it off with a plan in mind, a set of goals which I wanted to achieve and a path towards achieving the main one. For a long time, I had dreamt of working in fashion in full time, perhaps a mix of my blog, styling & fashion and social media consultancy. There were a few different angles to explore and I was determined to explore them all.
I was also working as a consultant at Spotify at the time, something which meant a lot to me but to be honest, I felt did not fully fulfill my mental drive and passion. I often felt bored and restless during the day job, hence the goal of full-time fashion work. When I compared my two careers, fashion felt so.much more dynamic, people oriented and just more exciting. I had almost reached the decision of starting to reduce my hours spent in an I.T. job when the hubby suggested something different, to leave my years of programming behind and move into Product – still tech focused but from a different, more business-oriented perspective.
Along came my new job at Betsson. In the past 6 months there, I have never been so busy and overwhelmed but also, so alive. The role suits me down to a tee, at least from where I’m standing and I wake up excited to go to work. This has made me realise that perhaps my determination to leave tech behind and move solely into fashion was unfounded, a wish brought about by boredom.
The new job unfortunately also coincided with my discovery that my back was.not doing too well and all the punishing sort of exercise I looked forward to each morning had to stop. That journey is a tough one for me, tougher than most would imagine, as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t deal well with physical limitations.
Although I am busier at work than I ever was and I travel frequently on business trips and work long hours, it hasn’t affected my blog or fashion business at all. On the contrary, I feel I’ve developed it better over the past 6 months than in the last two years. My determination to expand had sometimes led to Incorrect choices and with that pressure lifted, I felt more free and happier, able to go back to treating this blog with the attention normally reserved for nurturing a baby.
This was a good year actually blog wise. I worked with some truly wonderful brands ..had my face up on a billboard and fronted some campaigns for brands I truly believe in. I also travelled to India with ROCS Travel which I consider to be a dream come true.
I don’t know what 2018 holds for me, I’ve learnt to exist with minimal planning, the bare minimum. A new year always starts off with my birthday in January, after that.. let’s see where the wind will take me.

Bag, Poncho Fendi
Shoes : ALDO