Everyone wants makeup that doesn’t budge, that allows you to walk back home at the end of a long day or night looking like you did when you left. We all know that higher quality makeup that is well applied lasts longer than cheaper makeup but there are also a few other tricks that aren’t as well known.
In my previous post I told you about how to make eye shadow last for ages by using a special base – now lets focus on the rest of the face.
Basically the idea is that you apply all your makeup and when finished spray the product onto your face as directed – remember to wait for your mascara to dry or it might run.
The downsides are – upon spraying it feels greasy, over-spraying can cause makeup to run, the matte version matted my makeup a bit too much (didn’t try the other one) but worst sin of all of all – I felt my skin a bit tight and unhappy if I used this too often. Also, the glass packaging makes it impractical to tote around.
The plastic packaging also makes it more convenient to carry around in your bag.
The NYX product has a lot of things going for it – small, plastic packaging and the price is on the cheap side, it does somewhat he same job as a finishing powder…it seems to even out makeup and add a sheen to it. It does help m makeup to last longer but I won’t say my makeup looks the same after 8 hours, touch-ups would be needed if going out after work. However, it does help increase staying power especially if also combined with a primer and ca easily be carried around in your bag and used after touch-ups.
*NOTE apparently Model in a Bottle have since changed their packaging and it now comes in a plastic bottle.