My Top Styling/Blogging Moments of 2012

Whilst looking back at 2012 I decided to list what I, Caroline Paris, think my top achievements in my Styling and Blogging World for the year gone by are:
1. Becoming the Fashion Stylist for Style on Sunday Magazine – this strictly started in December 2011 but it was initially a trial and my position as their official stylist was confirmed in 2012 ๐Ÿ˜€

2. Becoming the Fashion Stylist for Il-Klikka TV Series – lots of work, some headaches but overall a great and rewarding experience.

3. Woking as a Fashion Stylist Assistant on the WOOLRICH shoot – again this was actually shot in October 2011 but the campaign was launched in 2012 so there it still counts, I should write a whole post about this but it was probably one of the biggest highlights of my styling career ever.

4. Upping my Viewership and Blogging More – two things, but they go hand-in-hand; although my blog has existed since around April 2011, until September/October 2012 posts were sparse and ill-frequent as my main focus was tending to be generally mostly towards styling. I decided to take it more seriously, invest more time and post at least 5 posts a week sometime towards the end of Summer and it has really paid off – viewership had more than doubled and feedback has been very positive.

5. Venere Appearances – I’ve been asked to be the Fashion Stylist and therefore appeared on Venere a total of 5 times this year which was great and the best thing is that I felt like I learnt something new each time.

It has been a great year and here’s hoping for a great new one ๐Ÿ™‚ Above all I’d like to thank you my readers for reading this blog and all the stuff I put in it ๐Ÿ™‚ and inspiring me to continue

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