Random Post : Simshar the Movie

This is one for all Maltese readers and movie buffs worldwide ……
You may or not have heard about the Maltese Simshar tragedy. 

Simshar was a Maltese fisherman boat that blew up back in 2008. Simon Bugeja was rescued after seven days at sea but both his father and son alone with two other men perished. 
A personal friend of mine, film director Rebecca Cremona started exploring the possibility of turning this story into a movie back in 2008 and has been working exhaustively ever since. What is super exciting, is that this will be Malta’s first feature length film aimed at an international audience.  

You can learn more about them movie and also help them out by contributing towards this project right here.

You can also check out the amazing trailer here:

I’m very excited for this project to be completed !!


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