Shopping Post : Guilt Free Shopping ?? Hello ASOS JUSTIFICATION CALCULATOR

So, those clever folks at  +ASOS have come up with the ultimate idea to convince us to shop more – convincing us it’s worth it and to help us they’ve come up with The Justification Calculator

From their site : “Justify your love by dividing the actual cost of the item by how many times you’ll probably wear it. Chances are it’ll probably pay for itself.” 

So this is just perfect for all us shopppers; just think of all those times you hesitated before the till, trying to work out sums in your head, thinking of the number of ways you can wear the item, the time gap between each usage necessary and of course what that all means in terms of pricing – now you have a tool to help you !!

The trick here of course, is to come up with numerous ways of incorporating the item into your existing wardrobe thereby making the price per use lower !! You might want to jot all those ideas down though or you’ll end up forgetting all those heat-of-the-moment brainwaves !!!

Happy Shopping !!


  • Comments

  • avatar
    Tara Elizabeth

    OMG hilarious!!! I love it haha

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