Brand Spotlight – Model Valentina Rossi

In the run up to Malta Fashion Awards on
the 11th May we are shining the spotlight on different nominees and past
winners. Today we shine the spotlight on Valentina
(modelleinternational) – Valentina is a lovely,
beautiful, model and also last year’s best Female Model winner
This year she is nominated again
the Female Model category. UPDATE *Valentina has won this award for the second year in a row*

So, Who is Valentina Rossi?

An 18 year old who loves going out and meeting new people.
Loves make up , cooking ,fashion and is always open to try new things. 

When did your interest in modelling first begin?

Well basically I grew Up in the fashion industry, my mother
has been running a modelling agency for 26 years now so I was always around
models.  I then started acting and dancing and singing I wasn’t sure
what I wanted to do exactly. Then at the age of 15 I took part in the TV
program ‘Venere’ and from then onwards I took modelling very seriously and I
did it with a passion and it showed in my photos that I loved what I was

What inspires you? Is there anyone or anything that you feel
has influenced your modelling style?

Kate moss and Tiffany Pisani for sure! Kate moss for the
reason that she’s short and a really good photo model, one of the best you can
say! She’s very versatile in every shoot  and has been on many covers
and campaigns, and Tiffany for the reason that she’s Maltese and succeeded as a
model abroad too so I guess that helps me not to give up. I may not be as tall
as she is but I won’t give up on what I truly want. 

You are also quite connected to the world of beauty pageants
– where does your heart truly lie? in the fashion world or the pageant world ?

For sure in the Fashion world. I mean I like to help out in
beauty pageants and  watch all the beautiful models on stage willing
to represent Malta abroad but it’s just not me. I guess I’d prefer taking part
in fashion shows or crazy photo shoots.

What has been your proudest career moment?

Definitely winning the best female photomodel award at the
Malta fashion Awards in 2012! It’s like all that hard work and long days of
photo shoots and preparations weren’t all for nothing.

Describe the best/favourite photo you have ever modelled

Would have to be the one which I took with Bernard Polidano,
because it was my first kind of sexy look and wasn’t sure I could pull it off.
I don’t really consider my self  as a ‘ sexy’ model so it was a
challenge. Loved the whole look and the shoot went great, we got some pretty
good shots!

You are predominantly a fashion photo model – would you call
yourself a fashionable girl in real life? How would you describe your style?

Won’t say I’m a fashionable girl, I do love clothes shopping
, dressing up and getting all dolled up for events and parties but I love my
jeans! I would describe my style as smart casual.

Do you have a few images you can share with us?

Plans for 2013?

Improving my modelling skills and always learning new techniques for sure. I Just got cast in a part in the Maltese drama ‘Il- Klikka’ and who knows what else might come up, I like trying new things and always ready to take new experiences. 

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