il-Klikka Spotlight : Interview with Jovan Pisani aka Chris Attard

In the lead up to the big season finale of the Maltese TV series il-Klikka, (for which I am the stylist), which is happening at the cinema, I have decided to start a series of interviews with the actors and actresses of the main characters of the il-Klikka series . 
Today we meet actror Jovan Pisani aka Chris Attard(as he is known on il-klikka)
So, who is Jovan Pisani?

I am a fun loving guy who enjoys acting, partying and hanging out with my friends. I love making people laugh and being a Leo, I’m always trying to be the centre of attention. I’m very passionate about everything I do and I like to keep myself busy… apart from acting, I work full time in my family’ business and also organize events. Any free time left is usually spent watching movies or a good series.

And… who is Chris Attard?

Ahh Chris … At his core he is a nice guy with a big heart. He is always there to give advice to his friends and is always ready with a quick joke to lighten the mood. At times he can seem persistent, which can be seen as annoying but it’s because he knows what he wants and isn’t going to let anything stop him from getting it. Chris is an open book, what you see is what you get… no deception no lies… he doesn’t keep anything to himself, so you always know where you stand with him.

Is your character different to Chris’s character? In what way are they alike/ different?

I would say Chris and myself are very similar,  maybe cause I was cast that way or I just made him so much my own. I may not agree with the way in which he might tackle a situation but we share the same feelings when it comes to love, friends and enemies.

When did your interest in acting first begin?

From a young age at school we were always pushed to take part in plays and sing in the choir but I didn’t say … “that’s what I want to do” until I was 8 years old watching my first movie at the Cinema. It was Casper, (everything until then was cartoons) and I remember thinking how cool it would be to be on that screen. Obviously very ambitious and didn’t think much of it. A few years later we were at the Manuel theatre watching The Panto… I was amazed and it looked like a lot of fun, so I got into theatre… which later led me to television.

Is il-Klikka your first part in a local television series?

Actually it isn’t… I had a supporting role in La Famiglia last year where I played a Police detective trying to investigate  a “mafia” type family in Malta. It wasn’t a huge part but I learnt a lot about the industry and it also lead me to get an audition for il-klikka.

What inspires you? Is there anyone or anything that you feel has influenced your acting style?

Apart from actually loving acting… I hate it when people say

That because we are on a small island you can’t get anywhere‘. I’m out to prove everyone wrong and show people that it’s not about who you know or where you are, it is about persistence, dedication and professionalism.
At a young age I was influenced by Jim Carry, to me he was the funniest person ever and I just wanted to make people laugh like he did… today I have developed my own style and like to think of it as original to myself.

t has been your proudest career moment?

This may sound a little silly, I have done a number of plays, adverts, television series … but a few years ago I was doing a one act play… to be honest probably the worst production I had done and one in which I felt that I didn’t perform so well. However, after the show, I went down stairs to find my parents waiting and I just remember my father shaking my hand and saying “Prosit!”  And to me that meant the world that day.

Describe your favorite scene from the two seasons of il-Klikka.

It has to be a tie between the time when Sarah sees her father with the new girl friend for the first time and Chris goes to console her on their first date. It was very beautifully shot and together with the music, the editing team added, it was very powerful. Also the fight scene between Chris and Andrea at the bar.. we were both very sore for the next couple of days cause we had to retake it a few times to reach the quality the director wanted. After seeing the finished product, we messaged each other saying that it was totally worth it.

Plans for 2013?

Bigger and Better things… All I can say right now is you haven’t seen the last of me!!

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