il-Klikka Spotlight : Interview with Tezara Eve Camilleri aka Julia Camilleri

In the lead up to the big season finale of the Maltese TV series il-Klikka, (for which I am the stylist), which is happening at the cinema, I have decided to start a series of interviews with the actors and actresses of the main characters of the il-Klikka series . 
Today we meet actress Tezara Eve Camilleri aka Julia Camilleri (as she is known on il-klikka)

Photo by Kurt Paris
So, who is Tezara?
Oh Amor! If only I knewwww!!! It would be the answer to SO many of my questions! What I can tell you are some facts – I’m the youngest of 4 girls (God Bless my papa), I’ve got two nieces (God Bless papa again) and I work at the Times of Malta. I read for a BA in English and Theatre Studies as I’m a little bit of a literature junkie 😛 I’m currently saving up to do my Masters in Cultural Management 🙂 I love to cook and bake and to involve myself in as many projects as a 24-hour day permits 🙂
And… Who is Julia Camilleri?
I guess the obvious word would be that she is bubbly 😛 She’s the friend who offers the comic relief in a situation, who will pick you up when you are down, drags you to a club when you need to let your hair down and dance the night away; who will sing and dance with a broom because the song on the radio made her do it; who will lay in bed on a Sunday morning and have ice-cream for breakfast if she feels like it. She’s very free spirited; she goes with her gut and is very “do now and think later” which tends to bite her on the behind 😛 Even though she gives the impression that men mean nothing to her, I do believe deep down she longs to feel secure with a guy. She’s quite a hopeless romantic, let’s hope Mr. Right is somewhere close before she loses hope. 
Everyone wants to know. Are you as much fun in real life as Julia?
Hahahhaa how can I answer that about myself?!! Ask my friends, they would tell you 😛 But, if I may be honest, people who know me do constantly tell me that Julia and Tez are practically the same person. Some say I’m not even acting when the camera is rolling hahaha 😛 The editing team and the script writing team sometimes insert certain comments/gestures for Julia to say/do which I’m SURE they picked up from my real character. As Tez I say “int bis serjeta” and “PERO!” a lot and it has slipped out while filming a couple of times without even realising! Then I see it on an episode or I see myself doing an “awkward turtle” and I literally scream OH MY GOD from my sofa! Hahaha I don’t realise how much of myself there is in my interpretation of Julia until I actually see it on screen or someone points it out.   
Do you think Julia was wrong to go out with Matthew?
I think she just went with the flow of things. It started out very typical, no? The usual boy meets girl story were they like each other and then they start dating. It got complicated when it was revealed that he was going to get married and then when he eventually did. I think as a plot twist, this complication made their story more interesting and gave it a little colour however, as an actress here in Malta, I feel a little concerned when it comes to our young viewers. Very often it is brought to my attention that many kids (who should be in bed when the show is aired) are very fond of Julia’s character; many idolise her and want to be like her, which makes me think of Julia’s misplaced morals and how these kids might say “IIII Julia’s doing it, so it’s ok”. I understand it is just a character I’m playing; kids, however, don’t and some of the Maltese population can’t make the distinction between the person I am on screen and the person I really am. That was my only concern – on a slightly different note,  I do believe that we can’t help who we fall for and we see this in Julia’s situation.
When did your interest in acting first begin? And we heard you can sing too…tell us something about that.
I first did Ballet and Jazz for 6 years. Upon realising I wanted to do more than just dance, I begged mama to send me to a school which did the 3 arts. Cunning mummy said that if I passed my Maths mid-yearly exam she would send me. I managed to scrape-through a mere 50% mark and at the age of 12, I was sent to a theatre school where I discovered I could do a little bit of the 3 arts and the rest, as they say, is history. I’ve been involved in theatrical projects ever since and I don’t see myself giving it up any time soon 🙂 I’ve got quite a particular voice; I was informed the proper term to describe my voice would be a Lyric Soprano. I usually steer away from classical songs and look for ones with a little “qumf” where I can belt 😛 Musical Theatre is my current favourite genre when it comes to theatre as you do a little bit of the 3 arts 🙂
What inspires you? Is there anyone or anything that you feel has influenced your acting style?
Most of the character’s I’ve played in the past, were already written characters so I basically had to research them and see how I was going to interpret them as closely as I could to the way they were written, and that was that. With TV it’s trickier; it’s a case of playing a character who is evolving as you play her. With Julia I am mostly inspired by my sister Martina – she’s the joker of the family who comes up with the most random stuff to crack us up! I wish you could meet her – I swear you’d die lol
What has been your proudest career moment?
Hahahah you said CAREER!!! Lol! Jien naf – on some level I’m proud of any opportunity I’ve been given since there’s so much competition in the theatrical field. Each project I’ve been part of has challenged me in some way and to be honest, I’m quite proud to say that I’ve always managed to defy gravity and prove myself, and others, wrong when it was said that I couldn’t nail a certain role or face the battle at hand. It proves I was raised right; I face my challenges with a head strong attitude which resonates my mama’s personality. If I remotely resemble her in my way, especially character-wise, that is definitely something to be proud of. 
Describe the scene you hated most from these two seasons of il-Klikka?
Towards the end of season 1, Sarah and Julia had this massive fight. As soon as I read the script I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy scene to film as Taryn and I get on like a house of fire and joke around constantly when we’re together, so being pissed off at one another, crying and having to kick her out of our apartment wasn’t at all easy. In fact, when we filmed that scene, I didn’t once look her in the eye and on set it was so unnaturally quiet that even crew had commented on how unearthly weird it was hahaha.
Plans for 2013?
I haven’t made plans for next week let alone the end of the year! Hahaha We’ll see where the wind takes us 🙂 I want to get back to stage though – there’s a feeling I get when I’m performing live to an audience which I can’t replace 🙂

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