My Styling Work : il-Klikka – Season Finale – Part 2

As I’ve mentioned before I am the fashion stylist for the local television show il-Klikka. Last week I wrote a post detailing some of the looks used in the last three episodes of Season 2 which were aired in the cinema.

Here are some more of the clothes they wore over the last two episodes:

Audrey wears a really pretty dress from Monsoon and a bag from Accessorize when she goes to meet Neil , her crush. This dress suits her slim slender figure and really brings out her fair complexion.As always Audrey’s accessories are eye catching and here she sports a really cute vintage style bag and some colourful bangles, her necklace is nude so as not to compete with the rest of the look.

Veronica wears a beautiful colourful dress from Monsoon. It really enhances her figure and she looks smart and elegant as always.
Louisa wears a lovely dress from
 Emporio for the final scene. The 
ethnic pattern on the dress is very eye
catching and it has a lovely neckline. 

Julia wears a very in trend ethnic inspired 
dress and a very ethnic tribal 
necklace with neon touches, all from Tally Weijl
When Sarah goes to see Andrea in prison, she wears a pretty dress. The dress is a mixture of denim and white, two of this season’s key trends. She doesn’t wear any heavy jewellery or accessories which is more appropriate for the situation.


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