Outfit Post : A Polka Dot Crop Top

I’m a child of the 80’s which means in my teens, it was the 90’s and crop tops were all the rage. I was quite sad to part with them when the millennium struck and they went out of fashion..but I always carried a nostalgic fondness for the style. Foreseen on the horizon for a few seasons now, this season, the crop top is back with a vengeance. The question that first entered my head is …am I now too old for it? I don’t think I came up with an answer to this one but suffice to say that in the end, my fondness for the style prevailed and when I saw this polka dot crop top at Topshop it was quite simply love at first sight.
I took it out to play on a weekend trip to Gozo some weeks back. It got chilly later on in the day so I added a denim shirt – love denim-on-denim !!.

Jeans : Miss Sixty
Shoes : From Singapore
Crop Top : TopShop
Shirt : ASOS
Earrings : Promod (old)
Watch : Toy Watch
Bag : Antoni & Alison

Photos by Kurt Paris

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