il-Klikka Spotlight : Interview with Andrei Grech aka Ed

In the wake of the end of season 2 of il-Klikka, (for which I am the stylist), I am continuing to conduct interviews with the actors and actresses (the main characters) of the Klikka series. 

Today we meet actor Andrei Grech aka Ed (as she is known on klikka) and in his own words, here is his interview: 

who is Andrei?
consider myself the simple but trendy guy next door, down to earth, cheerful,
bubbly, a really hard worker, always keen to help his loved ones and crazy for
Fashion J… At 19 years I started a small
business and today, now that I am 28 after a lot of sacrifices the business isn’t that small any more… This makes me really proud and something else that
makes me really proud; because I have worked hard for it; after my 1st
year of modelling I’ve been awarded the best male model and the best male photo
model at the Malta fashion awards :D…
And who is Ed?
Ed is the bad side of
Andrei but it is a character that I’m in love with and I love to play this
role. Ed is that type of character who is a really bad guy, cool, play boy,
selfish, always wants to be the no 1 and the total centre of attraction.
Do you feel like you
have anything in common with Ed?
Yeah we’re both Cool,
Ambitious & We like to look good……
When did your interest
in acting first begin?
It began 5 yrs ago
when Vsquared gave me the first opportunity in La Farfalle. I didn’t have a
clue about acting and where it would take me, but after 5 years, I have played
4 leading roles and 2 secondary main parts in local TV Drama and a leading role
in a Maltese movie, a speaking part in Simbat (international series) & I
have even had castings in UK…..
You are also a model. What do you like best?                                                        
This is not an easy
question.. Well, I love the intimacy with the camera in a photo shoot, I love
the catwalk and I love to feel the catwalk. I love natural acting and building
new characters, but if I have to choose, I will definitely choose photo modelling!
What inspires you? Is
there anyone or anything that you feel has influenced your acting style?
Yeah, definitely Ian
Somelhalder (Damon Salvator) in the vampires diaries but always in Andrei’s
style ;).
Describe your hardest
scene from the last seasons of il-Klikka? Is there anything you would refuse to
do as an actor?
There was nothing hard
for me up till now, I always went on set well prepared, so I just go with the
flow ;)……As a professional I only refuse unprofessional work.
Plans for 2013?
Continue improving Ed
in il-klikka, continue improving myself in my modelling -I have a target and not
a small one, that I had already reached in the past… We will wait and see!
 caroline paris
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