Malta Fashion Week: Millinery Talent by Adalia

The world of millinery is not exactly a saturated one. Producing a hat takes hours of labour and the financial rewards do not reflect those long hours. Also, it is not exactly the 1920s when women wear hats continually. In Malta, especially, hats had really left the scene up until a few years ago. They started appearing again in recent years at weddings, although more in the form of fascinators. Hats, simply worn for the fun of it on just a normal day are still not that widely seen and when they are, are mainly in the form of the ubiquitous fedora.

Millinery : /ˈmɪlɪnəri/  – Women’s hats: her designer millinery
Adalia B with AB Headpieces is a relatively new name on the block but her talent is anything but young. Her skill and precision are impressive and she’s also versatile as her collection at Malta Fashion Week 2016 proved. The pieces were constructed in a way that makes them not just hats but simply put – works of art some probably inspired by the great Philip Treacy. 
There were some striking fashion-forward pieces (my faves of course) and there were also quite a few prettier pieces that are typically what guests wear to attend a wedding. For a show at fashion week, I’d have preferred the range showcased to be more limited thus resulting in a shorter show. The problem with a long show is that it is hard to commit to memory all that you’ve seen and also, sometimes, your interest might wean towards the end. 
However, Adalia deserves a huge pat on the back for this wonderful show which was her first. I kept trying to pick a favourite but there were too many I loved – although the funny thing is, my favourite ones all seemed to be modelled by either model Claire Ciantar or Jacqui Losco.

All Photos by Luke Testaferrata Moroni Viani

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