Confession time – I
suck at applying red lipstick, well if I’m being honest, I suck at applying any strong lipstick and liquid lipsticks and anything that doesn’t involve simply swiping it across my lips. Part of the problem is my impatience but also, I’m never really quite that sure what I should be doing. So MAC offer what are called focus lessons – you go to the store for a thirty-minute lesson that focusses on a part of your face. A couple of weeks ago, I went to the store at Debenhams for a red lipstick focus lesson and I filmed the process – video at the end of the post. There is a bit of background noise, apologies for that but it was a busy Saturday Morning at the store, however, Kim Farrugia gives some truly excellent tips so wathc till the end.
Now for the fun part. I’ve been given a challenge – to recreate this perfect pout using 5 different MAC shades, ranging from liquid lipsticks to matte to not so matte and you guys need to rate me and provide critique.
The photos will be uploaded (one a day) on my Facebook Page from Tuesday 21st – Saturday -25th March.
Also, I’m challenging you guys to upload your own perfect lipstick looks in the comments below my pic. The best pout photo / critique
feedback of the day received will go into a draw and at the end of the 5 days a winner announced.
The winner will receive their own focus lesson AND a free MAC lipstick of their choice.

By the way you may have noticed that my lips are glossy although Ruby Woo is a matte lipstick – we added a bit of gloss and gold metallic to the lips at the end for a different effect.