Do you remember my trip to the Duke Hotel in Gozo earlier this month? One of the highlights of that gorgeous room was the beautiful natural light seeping in which of course means you can take beautiful pictures. There’s a gorgeous dress from Pedro del Hierro I’ve been meaning to show you that I shot there. Purple is one of my absolute favourite colours.
I wish I was currently there but in actual fact I’m at home as sick as a dog and it’s one day before fashion week – of all the unlucky things, I’m feeling better than I was yesterday – yesterday was terrible so it’s not a lost cause but I’m still quite miserable. On a day like this looking back at this wonderful day wth this amazing dress makes me feel much better. And that room…..there really aren’t many more beautiful places than that room.Dress Pedro del Hierro at Bay Steet (inside Cortefiel)
Shot at The Duke Gozo
Photos by Kurt Paris