Summer Wedding Outfit Tips

for a very hot Summer

If you live in a hot country like Malta, wedding invites tend to be greeted with a mixture of emotions. There’s the ‘oh how sweet so and so are finally getting married’, there’s the ‘oh another wedding’ and there’s the ‘oh my god -what am I going to wear’ and if you’re a man there might be the ‘I’m not wearing a suit in July’.

That temperatures in Malta tend to soar in summer is an undisputed fact, this can make getting all dressed up a bit unpleasant but I’m here to help with a few tips and tricks.

  1. The Hair MUST go up – even if you own the most beautiful hair, humidity and sweat will contribute towards an untidy mess after a few hours, plus keeping your neck aired and free of a ‘hair blanket’ will contribute towards lowering your body temperature.
  2. Wear breathable materials – polyester MUST be shunned. Natural fabrics such as cotton, silk and linen breathe better. Linen is the lightest and will definitely help and make you feel cooler. For men especially, a linen suit is definitely a must to add to your wardrobe.
  3. Waterproof makeup + primers + fixers. To avoid makeup melting off your face, you can use both waterproof make-up (although unless you’re an excessive sweater this might not be necessary). A good primer and a good fixer will do wonders, some of my fave products are linked below.
  4. Pack blotting papers to blot away excess moisture that might form in spite of the measures you have taken.
  5. Wear sunscreen if it is a day wedding – Lobster is never a good look.
  6. Ice Water – go easy on the alcohol that will dehydrate you further and drink plenty of iced water that will both hydrate you and cool you down.

Some shopping ideas below including clothes and makeup products. Good luck with all the summer weddings!





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