Trends Post : 2012 Best and Worst Fashion Trends

As we near the end of this year and prepare for a brand spanking new one I’ve decided to create some lists

The top 5 trends I was happiest with this year:

1. The denim trend – what can I say that I haven’t already said – I love denim. 
2. Velvet – this beautiful fabric reminds me of a time gone by.
3. Baroque – gold, intricate elaboration and full out glamour – what more could a fashion-obsessed girl ask for?
4. Neon – brighter than bright colours…lots and lots of fun was had with this one.
5. Peplum – lady like glamour, curve forgiving…not everyone is a fan but I still love it.
The top 5 trends I was least happy with this year:

1. Wedge Sneakers – yep I know these were popular and lots of celebrities were spotted wearing them and Marc Jacobs did some with cool cartoonish designs – but still, what’s the point ? They still look like sneakers and they looku big and ugly fullstop.
2. Head-to-Toe animal prints – there’s no way to wear this without looking tacky even if you’re Gwen Stefani.
3. Onesies – cute as indoor clothing but worn outdoors ? Unforgivable.
4. Sports Trend – the Olympics are to blame for this and lotd of ppl loved this trend but I’m of the opinion that sportswear and sportwear inspirations should be reserved for..well..sports, no matter the price tag and luxe materials used.
5. Harem Pants – these stuck around this year and are still as horrible as ever and completely figure destroying…burn them NOW

Email me and let me know what your favourite and least favourite  trends this year were 🙂
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